I have always loved the wood panel frig.
Great look with our open kitchen.
After 20 years it was dying. We have put off buying a new one until the day I noticed the gasket was hanging down the bottom of the frig. For years I had read that a new refrigerator pays for its self in a few of years time in electrical use. Yea, but you still have to pay for a new one.
Off we went shopping for a frig.
Three trips later we had settled on our favorite.
First off we discovered that unless we wanted a smaller frig our space was too small.
For some odd reason we had less than 33 inches and we were an inch short.
So I/we began thinking, why not buy what we really wanted if the carpenters had to be hired.
To say that I have had refrigerator envy since my friend Barb got her new frig five years ago
is an apt statement.
I try to stay away from that envy, lust, sloth stuff but sometimes it happens.
Really I wanted her frig and for her to have a nicer one.
So we lined up the carpenters and had the new frig delivered.
After waiting one day for the carpenters to show up
the job was started.
Simple job:
Remove cabinet above the frig,
remove the door to laundry room,
replace the door with a smaller door,
fix the bamboo floor for the new doorway,
fix the paneling in the laundry room,
build a wine cabinet,
replace the overhead cabinet,
and hope it all works, fits and looks good.
I am good with the vision.
Will I be good with the instructions to the carpenters?
Will it fit?
It looks like a touch down.
Yes, measure three times,
cut once.
Actually I think Kirk and I measured the frig three times each.
I know he measured the wine cabinet several times before putting it together.
The frig fit perfect.
Kelsey wanted to pull off the protective plastic.
That job was harder than it looked.
This was heavy duty stuff.
We are very pleased with the way it turned out.
Our refrigerator is so much roomer
and I do not have to bend over to find
and get items out of the frig part.
I still have to put the items above the cabinets back in place.
And the door to the laundry room is not completely varnished
and rehung. Jobs for this week. First the lawn needs mowed.