Tuesday, December 8, 2009


We are in the mist of our first snow of the season. School was dismissed early. I think the grand girls decorated the shop door. (Could it be a "Random act of snowfall?")
Sam and Sage wanted snow pictures. I shoveled once yesterday and again today before announcing it was time to dig out the snow blower. Their Grandpa is using the snow blower to clean the drive. Do the Aussies miss snow????

Our dogs are staying away from the action.

Kelsey and Hannah helped put up the snow fence along the lane. The posts were already up. With wind in the forecast the fence needs to be in place. The view from the eating area is covered in snow. Now the wait for spring begins.

Winter has arrived.


Unknown said...

This is amazing, we had a few flakes and everybody got excited.... nothing like what you have to deal with! I hope you are all cozy up there and waiting for Santa!
Enjoy those weeks!


pve design said...

Wow! All is calm! I love the way snow forces us to shut down in the midst of the holidays.
Looks pretty!

Stacey said...

Brrr! Keep it there!

Oliveaux said...

Wow so amazing to see all that snow....we have been reaching 33 degrees all week (about 92). Ax