Saturday, May 22, 2010

Mother's Day Gift

From our son and family I got this hanging basket of geraniums.
I will pot it later in one of my hanging baskets as I think it looks lovely in the gazebo. 

Friday, May 21, 2010

Gosh I Love Tulips

The tulips are spent yet the memory lingers.

I suspect that because the tulip is the first showy flower of spring it is a favorite.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Second Job

I have been working extra hours as an enumerator for the US Census Bureau.  This job is proving to be full of stories that can not be shared.   So far the dogs have been friendly, most people pleasant, and I have managed to dodge the rain and thunder storms.  The hours have been mostly late in the day, early evening and weekends.
I am thankful my farm tasks are relatively easy to complete around my usual do what I want schedule.  This census job is crimping my style. ( I have not been to Barns and Noble for three weeks.)  The job will likely only last another week or so.  

Our rhododendron was lovely a couple of weeks ago.
I think this plant was put in the ground 30 years ago.